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We are establishing a new Radio Drama Group as part of the community outreach. The group will be a repertory-style non-professional theatre based at the Radio Studio in Jubilee Park, Rendlesham. We operate as a members' club, and we're always keen to attract new faces to our organisation, whether on or off air.

All aspects of each production are run by our members
We aim to produce several shows a year in an inclusive and varied programme, with shows ranging from Shakespeare
We aim to produce at least several shows a year in an inclusive and varied programme, with shows ranging from Shakespeare and classic dramas to modern comedies and new writing, with perhaps a musical and a couple of family shows for good measure.
There’s plenty of opportunity for everyone, not just on the mic. but also behind the scenes where you can learn about script writing, sound production, sound effects, management and directing. We also need members to run the admin office and the members' club.
Since the Parish Council kindly provided the Studio building, we are committed to opening up this wonderful community asset to the wider community. We're currently developing our strategy to increase both adult and youth learning to bring a more diverse audience in to enjoy, celebrate and benefit from the arts and all our activities.